Rat Removal Torrance

The most common rats found in the United States are the Norway and roof rats. Both of these creatures leave a wake of destruction behind them as they gnaw on structures and their urine and feces carry deadly diseases. With rats being such a nuisance, it is imperative to call for help from a rat removal Torrance specialist to help rid the home of these pests. Specialists can help with everything including the removal of the rats, cleaning up after the rats, and helping homeowners repair the home to prevent more rats from invading in the future.


Rats prefer to build their nests in areas where there is very little human traffic. Most common areas where rats are found include underground burrows, sewers, basements, and remote areas within buildings. Though they do prefer to have their nests underground, some rats have been known to build their nests on rooftops and in attics. The location of a rat’s nest depends greatly upon easy entry access, human traffic of the area, and the availability of food.


Rats are known for not only being very dirty creatures, but for also destroying properties. Once in a home they gnaw on wood, plastic, and drywall. They also chew through wires and if not caught in time may start an electrical fire. Rats tear apart drywall and shred paper for materials to build nests. Should a rat get trapped and die inside a wall it can leave a horrific smell throughout the home. It may be impossible to get to the rat and the smell can linger for many weeks after it is removed.

In addition, rats leave urine and droppings everywhere they go. Both of these carry diseases which are very harmful to humans and domesticated animals. Some diseases are deadly and rats have been blamed for spreading epidemic diseases such as the plague. Not only does rat feces and urine carry diseases, the waste of rats can leave behind a smell. Once a home is infested with rats, it requires help from a professional rat removal Torrance to remove the rats and professionally clean the home. A deep cleaning of the home is required to sanitize all surfaces which may have been contaminated by the rats.


For the most part, rats hide out of sight, which is why they are able to grow in population so swiftly. Though rats tend to stay away from humans and family pets, there is a chance of an encounter. If possible, avoid contact with the rat and call for help removing the pests from the home. Should a rat feel threatened or scared, it may bite, causing the spread of diseases such as rat bite fever and leptospirosis. Rats also carry parasites, such as fleas, which also carry an assortment of diseases.

In addition to transferring diseases through direct contact, humans can become infected with diseases when coming in contact with rat urine and feces. Make sure to use proper protective gear, such as gloves and masks when dealing with rat feces. If feces and urine spots are noticed, call for help removing the pests and clean up the contaminated areas. This is the best thing to do to ensure the health and safety of those in the household.

Key Points of Entry

There are many ways a rat can access the interior of a home. Even the smallest of crevices can allow a rat to seek shelter within a structure. Rats like to hide in roof overhangs, attics, garages, basements, under patios, and in crawl spaces. Key entry points into the home include windows, doors, garage doors, crevices between structure and incoming pipes and vents, and gaps in the walls and roofing. Sealing off and securing these entry points will discourage rats from entering a home. This is key to keeping a home rat free.

Rat Control

Long-term rat control is all about controlling rat populations. This includes using non-lethal exclusion methods and possibly the use of lethal methods, such as snap traps, to rid the home of the pest. If rats are present a rat removal Torrance specialist will inspect the property to confirm and help identify all risk areas. The specialist will remove the rats, seal off vulnerable entry points, and return to reinspect ensuring all exclusion measures were effective.

Long-Term Rat Control

Rat control is not something that is done one time and is completed. It is a long-term process requiring regular inspections and repairs to eliminate entry points. Upgrading sanitation methods and keeping a home clean will make the home less appealing to rats. If a home has already had a rat infestation, long-term control involves finding what caused the problem in the first place. Rat proof the home by sealing up cracks, cleaning up debris, secure screens, and ultimately make the home less appealing for the rats. Regular inspections, as well as routine cleaning and maintenance will help with long-term rat control.

Hiring a Specialist

Check to verify the rat removal specialist is licensed, insured, and capable of handling the job. Do not be afraid to ask for references and to verify any documentation. Verifying information is key to hiring a professional that is qualified and certified to legally remove rats from a home, as well as help with any repairs.

Rat Control Contract

Before signing a contract for rat removal Torrance, verify what is and is not included in it. Ask if there is a fee for the inspection or initial consultation and which treatments are included in the price. Inquire about the cost of follow up services or if they are included in the original contract price. Understand how any guarantees work regarding the removal, service, and work performed. Read the contract thoroughly so there are no surprises when the bill comes or additional services are needed.

Keeping a home clean and clutter free is just the beginning when it comes to dealing with a rat infestation. Hiring a specialist to help with the rat removal Torrance will ensure the job is done efficiently and effectively. Once the home is rat free, focus on long-term exclusion methods to prevent any future infestations.