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Wild Canine Removal

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Wild Canine Removal

Stray and wild dogs can be a nuisance. But more importantly, they can be a serious hazard to animals and humans. Even domesticated dogs can revert to their feral instincts and become dangerous if they are left outdoors and form a pack with other dogs. Once wild dogs form packs, their wolf-like instincts return, and they become very dangerous.

Unfortunately, once a dog becomes feral, it can be unsafe to try to domesticate it again. To make matters worse, dog species that are commonly domesticated are able to carry a number of diseases that humans are also susceptible to.

If your home or local area is plagued by wild, feral dogs, the best response is to contact animal removal. Defending your home, loved ones and animals by force may be necessary. However, local regulations could make killing these animals legally precarious.

Canine Removal

In areas where wild and stray dogs are a major problem, killing and capturing them is usually only a temporary solution. These animals breed in litters. When they are wild, they often breed in many secluded locations.

At the end of the day, the only way to eliminate a self-sustaining wild dog population is to make the environment inhospitable to feral living. This can be done through a combination of several means, including:

Removing Food Sources

Any time an area is plagued with wild animals, one of the first things that should happen is the removal of food sources. If you are feeding your pets outside, you will need to move their food indoors until the wild dogs are dealt with.

Vulnerable livestock will need to be given a sturdy, protective shelter. Wild dogs can be very cunning when it comes to defeating barriers. So extra robustness in barns, fences, and coups will be necessary

Finally, all trash cans should be locked up in an enclosure and made secure.


As mentioned above, wild dogs are good at defeating barriers. Fences will need to be at least five feet tall and they should extend at least 12 inches into the soil.


Killing and non-killing traps are an option. Check with your local laws and regulations before killing any wild animals. The use of killing traps can pose a danger to people and should be well marked. Killing traps should not be used anywhere pets or children may go.

Non-killing traps are a good alternative. However, handling a trap with a wild animal inside requires special care and training. If you intend to handle a captured animal, you should use the proper protective equipment. Ideally, do not handle a wild dog alone.

Capturing a Wild Hog

With the right training, almost anyone can safely capture and remove a wild dog. However, this is not a task to be taken lightly. These animals can be extremely dangerous. Even a medium-sized canine can pose a serious threat of injury, disease, and death to a healthy adult.

If you don’t have any experience capturing and handling wild dogs, the best advice is to contact animal removal or a professional pest removal service.

When catching a wild dog, some planning may be necessary. Begin by watching its behavior patterns. Watch where it goes in the day and at night. Set up a trap that will capture the animal in a humane way.

Luring the dog will take time. Stray and feral dogs will not respond to a human calling them, looking them in the eye, and trying to appear friendly. These animals will have reverted to their wolf-like nature. In this state, they are not like everyday domestic dogs anymore. They are skittish, fearful, and dangerous.

If you believe there is hope for rehabilitating the animal, lure it into a comfortable and safe trap. Furnish a large trap with towels to make it soft. Use food to bait the animal. If you intend to gain the animal’s trust, leave the trap open so that the animal may return night after night and become accustomed to being fed.

Over time, you may acclimate the animal to your presence, and it may begin to trust you. Understand this is a risky endeavor and should be undertaken with great care and patience.

As always, the safest way to deal with wild dogs is by calling in the professionals. Get in touch today to learn more.