Interestingly enough, skunks were once considered members of the weasel family. These are considered to be the most common and troublesome of their relatives. Skunks range in size and appearance, depending on the species. They are often around 60 to 70 cm long and are usually black with white stripes or spots. Skunks can be a good or a bad thing around your home. They are considered carnivores and feed mainly on rodents, but they also like to feed on insects, which help keep the population down. However, while helping control unwanted populations, skunks are known to do harm to property and domestic animal populations too.
If available, skunks will feed on poultry and their eggs. Also, they eat garden vegetables and fruit, do damage to lawns when foraging for insects and damage beehives. Skunks like digging under foundations to take refuge beneath homes and in other, less trafficked buildings. They also like to burrow under low decks. Skunks are nocturnal and are mostly active during the warmer months. They do not hibernate, but they do remain inactive in their dens for days to weeks during the cooler months. Please give All City Animal Trapping a call to eradicate skunks from your Riverside property.
All City Animal Trapping has the training and tools to humanely and effectively trap and remove skunks in Riverside county. We have over 20 years of experience with skunk removal and control. We are also able to install skunk exclusion materials to ensure that skunks will not get onto your property again. Give us a call today to speak to a friendly trapping professional and take care of your skunk problem once and for all.
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