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It is not uncommon for pests and critters to find their way onto your property. If it likes what it sees, it is not uncommon for the critter to want to create a home on your property. Some critters are easy to deal with, such as squirrels and chipmunks. However, there are other animals, such as skunks that can cause serious issues on your property. If you have seen a skunk living on your property, or if you suspect that a skunk has chosen your property for a home, you should contact a professional in skunk removal Manhattan Beach. There are several reasons why this job is best left to a professional.

DIY Skunk Removal Can Be a Disaster

Some people will try to handle the skunk removal themselves to save money. In most cases, the whole process is a disaster. Not only can you get sprayed and attacked by the skunk, but you can end up injuring it during the removal process.

Many Skunks Won’t Move On

If you are hoping that the skunk will get bored on your property and move on, you could end up waiting for quite a while. If the skunk has found a quiet, dry place to live, there will be no reason for it to move on. Also, if there is a source of food and water nearby, the skunk won’t have any reason to leave. Rather than waiting for the skunk to move on, which it may never, you should hire a professional in skunk removal Manhattan Beach to handle the problem.

Skunks Spray

Most people know that skunks spray when they feel threatened. If a family member or a pet gets too close to the skunk, it will spray. The odor can be difficult to get rid of, and if your family members or pets are sprayed in the eye, it can burn really bad.

Skunks don’t only spray when they feel threatened. If you have a female skunk on your property, she will spray regularly trying to attract a mate. This will make your property smell like skunk at various times of the day. If the female skunk is pregnant or if she has recently given birth, she will spray often to keep predators away. With the skunk spraying so often, it can make your property smell for hours at a time.

When you hire a professional in skunk removal Manhattan Beach, they will remove the skunk safely, and the odor will go with it.

Skunks Can Cause Damage To Your Home

When a skunk is looking for a place to live, it will do whatever necessary to find a dry and quiet place. Skunks are known to rip out vent screens or chew on the wood siding on your home to find a place to live. In more severe cases, the skunk will burrow underneath the foundation of the home. Not only can a skunk cause serious damage to the home’s foundation, but it will also be very expensive to repair.

The best way to protect your home and property is to hire a professional in skunk removal Manhattan Beach. A professional will be able to find the skunk quickly, before it has a chance to cause any more damage.

Skunks Attack

Some people believe that a skunk’s only line of defense is its ability to spray. This is not true. If the skunk has already used the spray in its sack, it will attack. Skunks have very sharp claw and teeth. They will scratch and bite when they feel threatened. This can put your family and your pets in danger if they come upon the skunk. Many people who try DIY skunk removal end up being attacked.

The best way to protect your pets and family is to hire a professional in skunk removal Manhattan Beach. A professional will have the tools and safety equipment necessary to remove the skunk safely, without being injured.

Humane Removal

Having a skunk living on your property can be a nuisance, but you probably don’t want the skunk dead. When you hire a professional in skunk removal Manhattan Beach, they will remove the skunk humanely. Professionals have the knowledge and the tools necessary to safely capture the skunk, and then rehome it in a safe area that is far from your home. When you hire a professional, you can be sure that the skunk will not be injured.

Knowledge and Experience

Most people don’t have much knowledge or experience when it comes to skunks. This is why DIY skunk removal is often a failure. A professional in skunk removal Manhattan Beach will have the knowledge and experience to handle the job. Skunks tend to find homes that are hidden, which makes them difficult to find. A professional understands how skunks behave, which is essential in figuring out where the skunk lives. They also know how skunks behave when cornered, which will help the professional remove the skunk safely.

Expert Advice

After the exert in skunk removal Manhattan Beach has captured the skunk, they will give you some expert advice to keep another skunk from making your property its home. The expert will help you find all of the entry points to your home created by the skunk to keep another from coming back. They will also inspect your yard to find anything else that could attract skunks. Then you can make the necessary changes. If you don’t do something now, it is only a matter of time before another skunk threatens you family, pet and your home.

Final Thoughts

If you suspect that there is a skunk on your property, you should call a professional in skunk removal Manhattan Beach. We will send an expert to your home who will be able to find the skunk and capture it safely and humanely. We can also give you some expert advice so that you don’t have to deal with another skunk making a home on your property. To schedule an appointment, give us a call today.