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Rat Removal Redondo Beach

Eric : Hi, everybody. We’re here with Travis from all city animal trapping. And we want to talk about, he specializes in the South Bay area for animal trapping and animal removal. And, we wanted to talk about rat removal in Redondo beach. We’ve been getting a lot of calls for rat removal in the Redondo beach area. And so Travis, if you could jump in and give us some ideas or thoughts on what’s going on.

All City Animal Trapping : Absolutely. Thank you. So right now we’re dealing with rats, rodents of all types, pretty much everywhere that I service, specific to Redondo beach though, I kind of wanted to talk about two different styles of trapping and why that they’re different.I’m speaking specifically about a job that I have right now, kind of near the Redondo beach pier in between that and one 90th, and they have an outdoor garden in their backyard and it’s not huge by any means, but they’ve tried a lot of things to keep the rats from eating their tomatoes, all sorts of stuff, the cruciferous plants that they have back there, all that sort of stuff.And right now they’re kind of stuck with wire mesh surround and everything. And it’s not the look that they want to go for, although it is the smart way to go about trying to keep rodents out.

Now, if we were to target that house specifically to get the rats out of the house, the way we would go about it would probably be, well, it would certainly be a little bit different than what we would do with outdoor trapping.To get them out of the house, we would want to seal everything up, set the traps on the inside so that the only food source that the rat has is the trap itself. I know it sounds counterintuitive to seal them in. No one wants them, seal them with them, but as long as they’re not coming into the actual house itself and they’re just in the attic or in the crawl space,

If you seal off those openings because the rodents want to get out every night to feed and drink, then kind of makes the traps you on the food source and it expedites the trapping process a lot.So how that’s different outside is there’s food everywhere. But they’re targeting one specific vegetable plot. Normally I think a lot of people would go with doing poisoned boxes, bait boxes, things like that. If you walk around any restaurant or supermarket, you’re going to see that that’s the number one outdoor control method.It doesn’t make it the wrong method or the right method, it definitely works. It can help to make a colony size a lot smaller. At the same time our company doesn’t really like to do a ton of poison or anything like that. We don’t like the risk of cross-contamination. If people have dogs, I don’t want that rat to eat the poison, laid down on the ground, the dog to get it, whatever the case may be, or birds in the area to pick up a dead rat that’s been poisoned. That’s just not my favorite thing to do. While it is effective, it seems to create a lot of problems as well.

Let alone the fact that if they can somehow get back into the house after eating poison, then they’re going to die and you’re going to have to cut open the wall to get them out or whatever the case may be.So you’re only left with a couple of methods from there with trapping, you can do snap traps, you can do outdoor cage traps, which I think we talked about before, while effective to definitely take longer or less cost efficient. Can do glue traps, honestly, glue traps outdoor, never pleasant for the customer to see. They look pretty brutal and inhumane when they get caught on them and again highly effective. All these methods work. It’s just, what’s going to be the easiest for the customer to have to deal with. If they have to do any maintenance and what’s going to work the quickest now. Realistically and circling the whole vegetable plot with a million traps would work. It would work well, but it’s not necessarily the solution that the customer wants to see if they want to use their backyard. And they don’t want it to have to be taking her out every day, putting it in a bag and thrown in the trash can or calling me and pay money every time to do it.

So, also while we’re on the subject, just this just came to my head, don’t buy the electronic spikes that radiate noise out, and they’re supposed to keep things away. They don’t work. They may work in confined areas like a lot of things, but outdoors, I have customers send me pictures of rats sitting on top of them.

Eric : Yeah. I’ve seen those. So those don’t work?

All City Animal Trapping : I’m not going to say a hundred percent they don’t work,  like a lot of things like repellents, I think in confined areas, they can push animals out. But I think outdoors animals get very used to those sorts of things. And once they realize it’s not a threat, it doesn’t bother them anymore. So, I’ve seen the ones for gophers. I’ve seen gopher mounds be pushed up onto them. Almost like the gophers are trying to stop the noise from coming out. Like they were trying to drown them in the dirt. Funny stuff like that. So, long story short. I guess the message I’m trying to get off is find the right trapping method for yourself. Just because a trapper comes out and tells you, this is what we want to do. If you’re not comfortable throwing away rats or you’re the squeamish type or you’re worried about the risk of cross contamination, there are other trapping methods. Now they may affect the cost of what you’re trying to do. The other thing is they might affect the time, the amount of time it takes to get the job done.

But most of them will get the job done pretty much no matter what, if the person knows what they’re doing. The baits everybody uses is mostly peanut butter. We dabble into some more exotic baits every now and then, but it’s mostly the same stuff being used constantly. So the difference between indoor trapping and outdoor trapping doesn’t have to change a ton. But the approach does because it affects the environment differently and everything around it a little bit differently. And most importantly, how it affects the customer visually they can’t see into the attic. So they don’t know that there’s a rat caught up in the trap up there. It’s gross. It looks gross. It’s gross to me. And I’ve been doing it 17 years. It is gross. You get used to it, but at the same token, if they don’t have to be exposed to that, they have new traps now that are little boxes. They walk in and closes. It actually keeps them alive.

Again, that’s not the most cost-effective way to do it, but if the customer doesn’t want to see the rodent, is a little bit squeamish and you still need to get them caught. You have to explore the other methods. And, you know, in the meantime, keep them from getting their vegetable garden eaten and all those sorts of things.

Eric : Of course, of course. So, again, this is Travis at All City Animal Trapping experts in Rat Removal Redondo Beach. All city animal trapping is servicing many locations, but if you are in the South Bay area, then probably, you will be dealing with Travis. And thank you for your time, Travis.

All City Animal Trapping : Thank you.

Rat Removal Redondo Beach

Throughout time, rats have left behind a wake of destruction, causing human suffering and economic damage. Everything from the plague to fires due to gnawed on wires have been linked to rats. These pesky creatures are also responsible for the destruction of many food supplies either by eating the food or through direct contact contamination. Because these pests are so destructive, it is imperative to contact a company specializing in rat removal Redondo Beach immediately after the first signs of a rat presence.

About Rats

The most common rats found in the United States are the Norway and roof rats. The Norway rat is also known as the brown rat or sewer rat. This rat is found in every state across the country. Both species of rats like to build their nests in underground burrows, such as in sewers and inside buildings. However, they have been known to build nests on rooftops, in attics, in basements, and in crawl spaces. In the beginning, rats will build their nests in areas where people do not frequent and are often out of sight. Being out of sight allows the rats to swiftly breed undisturbed, quickly turning into a full blown infestation.

Signs of an Infestation

The most common sign there are rats in the home is seeing live rats scurrying through the yard or home, as well as spotting dead rats on the property. The second most common sign is spotting traces of feces, urine, and tracks. Though these are the most common signs homeowners see when there is a rat infestation, there are many other signs to keep an eye out for. Other signs include seeing partially eaten foods, spotting gnaw marks on wood and plastic, as well as seeing shredded paper or insulation scattered about the home. Remember, where there is one rat spotted, there is generally more that are unseen.

DIY or Hire Help

Sometimes homeowners like to conduct do-it-yourself projects around the home, however, dealing with rats can be much trickier than expected. This is because when a homeowner sees the first signs of a rat problem, they are probably only seeing one or two rats. If there are only a few rats, getting rid of them should be rather easy. Right? Wrong.

Rat problems appear smaller than they truly are mostly because much of the rat population stays hidden behind walls, in basements, and in attics. It might be possible to rid the home of one or two, but the infestation will never be completely removed without professional help. Plus, many products used to take care of a home infestation must only be used by certified technicians. Because of this, it is best to hire a professional versus starting a DIY rat removal project.

Hiring a Specialist

When hiring a rat removal Redondo Beach specialist it is imperative to ask questions associated with the removal of these pests. Verify the technician is licensed, certified, and insured to handle rat removal cases. Ask questions to verify he or she is knowledgeable enough to handle the situation. Get a list of all services and costs before signing the contract, including inspection, treatment, and follow up services. For example, is there a fee for the initial consultations or inspections and are follow up services an additional cost or are they included. Do not forget to ask about guarantees on services.

Upon arrival, the technician should appear professional and have photo identification available. He or she should also have copies of licenses, permits, certifications, and insurance available for clients to review.

Still have trouble finding a pest control specialist? Ask friends and family for referrals. If no one can recommend a company, conduct a search online. When searching online, check out the reviews and recommendations from others. Online reviews can help determine if a company is reputable or not.

Rat Removal Process

Hiring a rat removal Redondo Beach specialist to come out and help offers peace-of-mind the job will be done correctly. The process ideally should start with an inspection, followed up with a plan to remove and control the rat population. From there, the specialist will schedule a time to come in to start the removal process. Depending upon how severe the infestation is, this part may take a few different appointments to ensure all rats have been removed. Once completed, the specialist will help come up with plans to clean up the home and protect it from future infestations.

Before the rat removal process is set to begin, inform the technician about any young children, babies, elderly or pets in the home. It is also a good idea to inform him or her if any in the home is pregnant, plans to become pregnant or is suffering from a chronic illness. This information may have an effect on how the technician removes the rats from the home.

Preventative Measures

Key to avoiding a rat infestation is to take preventative action before it occurs. The biggest thing anyone can do is to make the property less attractive for these pests. This includes trimming trees, covering garbage cans, and removing debris from the yard. Keeping the house clean and free of dropped food particles is also a good idea. Secure food in sealed containers and lift up everything from the floors in basements, garages, crawl spaces, and attics. Eliminate any potential hiding places within the home.

Another way to repel rats from a property is to eliminate any entry points into the home. This includes weather stripping exterior door, sealing up any cracks and crevices.  Also securing screens on all windows, vents, and fireplace openings is helpful. Regularly check the exterior of the home for any gaps, cracks or crevices which may allow rats entry into the home. A rat removal Redondo Beach specialist can help with regular inspections of the home.

Do not fall victim to rats. Know the signs and be prepared to rid the home of these dirty pests. Call for help with taking necessary exclusion steps to prevent the infestation of rats in the home. If it is too late, call a rat removal Redondo Beach specialist today for help.