So I go to a job that I’ve already set up a few days prior. This particular job had skunks under the house. Something we handle every day of the week. I get a call in the morning that they caught a skunk and that I need to pick it up. No problem.
Except I didn’t have a tarp. Our traps are exposed and we usually transfer skunks to a skunk box to limit spray coverage. In that transfer we approach the skunk in the “open trap” with a tarp and then put the skunk into the skunk box. So without a trap – I’m screwed. I was going back and forth for twenty minutes thinking how I could do this. I could go to a hardware store to get one.
I put it in the GPS and the closest one was 45 minutes out of the way. I didn’t have and hour and a half so I just did it. Approached the skunk (it did spray me), put it in the box and drove off stinking like a skunk just covered me. Note to self – Don’t ever forget your tarp…
Until next time,
Trapper Vic